between starshine & clay 
between starshine & clay 

sound design/mix for film
2021—AUG 6

“...what did i see to be except myself?
i made it up
here on this bridge
between starshine and clay
my one hand holding tight
my other hand; come celebrate
with me that everyday
something has tried to kill me
and has failed."

won't you celebrate with me, Lucille Clifton

between starshine & clay is a love letter to a nonviolent future, to blackness, to soil and salt, to the power of public prophetic ritual in honoring our lost loved ones. May this film inspire you to return to ceremony, the healing power of community, the divinity of black people, and the sacredness of all life. May it give respite and hope to other families mourning their beloved lost ones. We will continue to speak their names, asé.

Nominated for best experimental short film for Blackstar Film Festival 2021. 


Poster by Stoney Creation featuring a photo by Ayşe Gürsöz

Creative direction by brontë velez & Mer Aldao. Directed/edited by Mer Aldao.

Cinematography for Point Reyes ceremony by Mer Aldao & Leà Soler. Cinematography for Oakland ceremony: Mateo Hinojosa & Joel Wanek.

The Well prophecy by brontë velez.

Score by Jiordi Rosales

Sound Design/Mix by José A. Rivera

Featuring voice of Yolanda Banks Reed, mama of Sahleem Tindle, at the Oakland 2019 Lead to Life ceremony closing out the Anti Police Terror Project annual March & Rally to Reclaim MLK’s Legacy.

Produced by Lead to Life team - brontë velez, jazmín calderón torres, Liz Kennedy, and Stormy St. Val