Becoming Otherwise


Course Description︎︎︎
Guiding Questions ︎︎︎
Why Participate?︎︎︎
Suggested Financial Contribution︎︎︎
Course Breakdown & Schedule︎︎︎
Invited Guests︎︎︎
Course Breakdown & Schedule

Each week is focused on a practice. The meetings will occur virtually, with hybrid online/offline components. The schedule is fixed, yet flexible—there is plenty of room for cross-talk between different techniques, as they may possibly inform a past experience or an ongoing practice(s). You are encouraged to bring your personal experiences to the course and to develop them in whatever way you see fit.

Meetings are Sundays from 3:30pm-5:30pm EST*, beginning on January 10, 2021.

wk 1:: intro // set and setting_the invisible landscape
January 10, 2021

wk 2:: meditation
January 17, 2021

wk 3:: yoga
January 24, 2021_w/ Esteban da Cruz

wk 4:: earth-based ritual, herbalism, and plant communication
January 31, 2021_w/ brontë velez

wk 5:: entheogens and psychedelic medicine  
February 7, 2021_w/ Bett Williams

wk 6:: breathwork
February 14, 2021_w/ Siedeh Foxie

wk 7:: lucid dreaming 
February 21, 2021

wk 8:: outro // integration_projects
February 28, 2021

2020 José A. Rivera